
Magic Member – Annual – 33Euro

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What Members Are Saying:

Chandrika Grøn

It has changed my life forever.

I have been listening to many ceremonies and full moon concerts and the effect is absolutely mind blowing. I remember my connection to the Source. I remember that underneath it all there is this joy and love that permeates everything. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the creation of this powerful music.

I am looking forward to the next full moon concert and ceremony to be in this powerful field.

Chandrika Grøn

Tatsiana Shtykava Rostved

The Magic Garden Music, for me, is unmatched and unparalleled. It is deeply moving and lovingly intense. It is as complex, rich, abundant and multidimensional as the Universe and Multiverse themselves…

Together with this music I navigate and enjoy my own inner landscapes: with the music’s authentic, safe and supportive guidance, I courageously dive into the deep seas and oceans of my feelings and emotions; explore the thick woods and hidden corners of my mind and soar in the beautiful skies, surrounded by birds or stars of my visions and dreams – all while being truly present in and within my body-temple.

The bearing frequency of the music – love – is sensed and recognized by my heart. I am forever grateful for this magic.

Tatsiana Shtykava Rostved

Vinasufia Shaktideva

I love to listen to this beautiful Angelic and divine music from Ecaterina and Jacob, who are two human angels on Earth.

It´s the most beautiful, healing and Loving music I have ever heard.

I love to listen to the music when I walk in the nature, do meditation, dancing, relaxing and sleeping. It also helps me in my inner work with myself.

I use it for almost everything I do in my everyday life. The music helps to heal me in every cell of my body and deep down in my soul and in my heart. I feel that I am connected with the universe, and it gives me so much unconditional love and healing from the Angels and the Divine.

It brings  heaven down to Earth. I feel like a new world is opening to me, and I get help and guidance to which way to go in my Life. I feel like I am home in myself, when I listen to this heavenly and beautiful music. 

It is the best self care and self love I can give myself. I am so thankful for this music from all of my heart.

Vinasufia Shaktideva

Sanne Louise Hansen

My profound adoration for the music and melodies crafted by Jacob and Ecaterina. Their compositions are nothing short of transformative and enchanting to me. They hold the power to transport me into a state of healing, where my mind and spirit are liberated to embrace heavenly realms.

Guided by their harmonies, I journey inward to my deepest self and outward to the farthest reaches of the cosmos, enveloped in a profound sense of divine love and light that permeates my being.

Remarkably, their healing tones have even worked wonders on my ailing body, bringing about a sense of restoration and rejuvenation.

From the depths of my heart, I extend my deepest gratitude to these beautiful souls for the magic they conjure together.

Sanne Louise Hansen